How would you rate your CV out of 10?

Client Recruitment

👩‍💼 Writing a CV can be an intimidating task! 🤔 Knowing the ideal length is key to making sure you don’t leave out important information, or include too much irrelevant info.

💡 So, what is the ideal length of a CV? 🤔

✅ Generally speaking, it’s best to keep it short and sweet. Aim for a maximum of 2 pages. 📃 This is because hiring managers don’t have a lot of time to read lengthy documents.

📝 A CV should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying to. 🔍 If you can provide only relevant information, you’ll be able to keep the length shorter. 🗂 If there’s too much to fit on two pages, you can create a separate document with additional information and provide it when asked.

💡 Remember, the key is to be precise and to the point. 📝 Keep it concise and make sure you include all the important information. 🤝

For more support on writing or revising your CV go to